Saturday, 5 March 2011

Starting a Business No 2 - Business Link Courses

Twenty or so of us sat for nearly three hours to listen and talk about starting a new business. The morning course was set-up by Sevenoaks District Council and was delivered by Business Link South East.

The speaker's style was informal and was inter-active - we were kept on or toes so to speak. The aim was to examine "starting a business". This was in the sense that by the end of the session a participant would go away fired-up to take on (or perhaps not) his or her idea for a business.

Self-commitment to the numerous tasks ahead was made obvious to all. The exploratory approach meant that many of the self-examine worksheets of questions could not be completed in the time available. This was entirely acceptable because the broad nature of the insight given would enable the wannabee business-eer to take a suitable period for the work-up to commitment.

A few had already started their business so the opportunity to network was taken by all - business cards, email addresses or telephone numbers were exchanged by those prepared to seek or do business.

Business Link offer a range of developmental opportunities - courses going deeper into the topics introduced in this first session.

Hopefully 20 new businesses or recently established will prosper as a result of the day's workshop session - they should do so with the kind of grounding on offer.

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